The Foreign Service Journal, April 2012

eral employment. In addition, those couples can talk shop with- out fear of violating security proto- cols. And the conflicts that might arise if an accompanying spouse finds a rewarding private-sector job, then has to quit in order to move to the next post, are avoided. At the same time, tandem cou- ples are at constant risk of separation, and nepotism rules can sometimes make it difficult to stay together. Still, the State Department is more generous than many private employers would be in offering leave without pay or time off to have a child. “Couples could take turns on assign- ments, or even take turns on leave without pay,” says Dave. Different career tracks within State would help too, he notes. Terry was fortunate “that her science specialization opened assignments that were less time-consuming than the normal political-military assignments that I had. So it worked out. But it worked because we both knew what we got, what we gave up, and what we were willing to do.” A Mixed Bag As you can see, eligible family members who wish to work over- seas have many options to choose from — in theory, anyway. But their chances of success will de- pend on their skills, experience, the local economy and a certain degree of serendipity. In some countries, there will be many avenues to employment and few barriers. In many others, opportunities will be severely limited, creat- ing stiff competition for a handful of positions. Moreover, while the post, the Family Liaison Office and (possibly) other institutions are available to offer guid- ance and encouragement, ultimately it is still up to each individual family member to find his or her own way. The picture is, overall, brighter than it was just a few years ago. But there is still a long way to go. Chances of success will depend on one’s skills, experience, the local economy and serendipity. F OCUS A P R I L 2 0 1 2 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 25