The Foreign Service Journal, April 2012

A P R I L 2 0 1 2 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 33 not easy or feasible to withhold the spouse’s diplomatic duties. • Keep in touch with former col- leagues and clients. A trailing hus- band we know regularly calls former colleagues and clients to update them on industry trends in his coun- try and hear their news. With peo- ple widely connected through inter- national travel and work abroad, these contacts can also be helpful for job searches or to line up con- sulting gigs. LinkedIn, Facebook and other social media tools are useful ways to maintain contact, as well. • Be ready to wait. And wait, and wait! After a gruel- ing job search finally leads to a promising position, the ap- plicant is usually eager to dive into the work. However, it can take a while for the host country to issue the neces- sary permits. Having a string of interesting jobs does not necessarily a career make. No one talks about it, but there is an invisible yet abrasive dynamic in most two-career Foreign Service marriages and relationships. Even if the spouse or partner is able to line up interesting, lucrative work in each new country, there is no guar- antee that will lead to a career. This is particularly true because the For- eign Service expects its members to be ready and willing to serve any- where in the world — even if the onward assignment of- fers nothing for the trailing spouse. Yes, the needs of the Service should, and do, come first. But high among those needs is keeping FS fami- lies fulfilled, professionally and personally. Until this be- comes a priority, the Foreign Service will continue to experience a substantial loss in work productivity, cur- F OCUS Until assisting families becomes a priority, the Foreign Service will continue to experience a substantial loss in work productivity.