The Foreign Service Journal, April 2018

THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | APRIL 2018 5 April 2018 Volume 95, No. 3 FOREIGN SERVICE Focus on the Journal ’s Centennial Year 22 A Century of Journal s The Foreign Service Journal ’s first hundred years is a lively story of the development of an engaging and authoritative professional magazine, by and for the practitioners of American diplomacy. By Ha r r y Ko p p 34 The Journal in Transition—The 1980s As the Cold War lurched to an end and the Foreign Service Act of 1980 came into force, new challenges emerged and the Journal ’s profile got a refreshing boost. By S t e p h e n R . Du j a c k Feature 68 My Kingdom for a Door: When Multitasking Goes Awry Office Management Specialists multitask perpetually, with masses of detail and constant interruption. A healthy dose of humor keeps inevitable mishaps and all the rest in perspective. By Ma r s h a Ph i l i pa k - Ch amb e r s 42 Now It Can Be Told Steering a dynamic and adventurous professional magazine involves challenges as well as accomplishments. By S t eve n A l a n Ho n l ey 50 The Journal Through Time Excerpts from Journal articles over the years highlight the publication’s rich legacy. Comp i l e d by Dm i t r y F i l i p o f f a n d Su s a n B . Ma i t r a Message from the Hill 13 Standing Up for Diplomacy By Se n a t o r s Ch r i s Va n Ho l l e n a n d Da n Su l l i v a n DEFINING DIPLOMACY for YEARS Above in SILVER FOIL on Cover