The Foreign Service Journal, June 2017

THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | JUNE 2017 13 Academy of Diplomacy on the Budget I appreciated the Journal ’s April Talking Points item reporting on various speeches and comments in defense of proper fund- ing for the State Department budget. The American Academy of Diplomacy also weighed in. In March we sent identical letters to Senators Cardin, Corker, Graham, Leahy, McConnell and Schumer; and to Repre- sentatives Engel, Lowey, McCarthy, Pelosi, Rogers and Royce signed by myself and our chairman, former Under Secretary for Political Affairs Ambassador Thomas Pickering. We were joined in this by the Council of American Ambassadors, an organiza- tion representing former non-career ambassadors from both parties. The signa- tures of its chairman, Ambassador Bruce S. Gelb, and Chairman Emeritus Ambas- sador William J. vanden Heuvel, gave the letter a strong endorsement outside the career ranks. Some excerpts from our letter follow: “[We] believe the proposed magnitude of the cuts to the State Department budget pose serious risks to American security. ... “Diplomacy is most often the first line of America’s defense. When the Islamic State suddenly appeared in Mali, it was our embassy that was able to recommend action based on knowing the difference between terrorists and local political actors who needed support. “When Ebola inWest Africa threatened a worldwide pandemic, it was our Foreign Service that remained in place to establish the bases for and support the multiagency health efforts deployed to stop the disease outbreak. “It is to our embassies that American citizens turn for security and evacua- tion abroad. Our embassies’ commercial work supports U.S. companies and citizen entrepreneurs in selling abroad. ... “Our contributions to refugees and development are critical to avoid humani- tarian crises from spiraling into conflicts that would draw in the United States and promote violent extremism. ... “U.S. public diplomacy fights radi- calism. Educational exchanges over the years have enabled hundreds of thousands of foreign students truly to understand Americans and American culture. ... “These few examples should show why so many American military leaders are deeply opposed to the current budget proposals. They recognize that when diplomacy is not permitted to do its job the chances of Americans dying in war increase. ... “The Academy, representing the most experienced and distinguished former American diplomats, both career and non-career, and the Council have never opposed all cuts to the State Department budget. “The Academy’s detailed study Ameri- can Diplomacy at Risk (2015) proposed many reductions. We believe streamlin- ing is possible, and we can make propos- als to that end. However, the current budget proposals will damage American national security and should be rejected.” The Academy is continuing to put forth ideas for rational restructuring of the State Department. We believe that our ranks include a large reservoir of experience that could usefully be drawn on as the State Department considers how to reorganize. We have offered our services in any way the department may choose. n Ronald E. Neumann Ambassador, retired President, American Academy of Diplomacy Arlington, Virginia