The Foreign Service Journal, June 2017

THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | JUNE 2017 5 June 2017 Volume 94, No. 5 FOREIGN SERVICE Perspectives on Diplomacy and Defense 22 Special Operations and Diplomacy: A Unique Nexus There has been a growing convergence of interest between diplomacy and special operations since the 9/11 terror attacks. By S t eve n Ka s h ke t t 28 Working with the U.S. Military: Let’s Take Full Advantage of Opportunities The challenge for the State Department is not necessarily to reduce the role of the Department of Defense in foreign affairs, but to strengthen our own voice. By Wa n d a Ne s b i t t 33 Killer Drones and the Militarization of U.S. Foreign Policy In the eyes of many around the world, diplomacy has taken a back seat to military operations in U.S. foreign policy. The drone program is a prime example. By An n Wr i g h t 37 Creeping Foreign Policy Militarization or Creeping State Department Irrelevance? State has ceded some turf to the military, but it’s not too late to regain it and rebalance the civilian-military equation in U.S. foreign affairs. By L a r r y Bu t l e r Education Supplement 58 New College, New Culture: Preparing for a Strong First Semester as a Third Culture Kid TCKs deal with repatriation issues and reverse culture shock when they attend college in the United States. Here are some tips for success. By Ha n n a h Mo r r i s 74 Facts and Updates: Making Sense of the Department of State Education Allowance An understanding of education allowances is crucial for Foreign Service families. Here is an introduction. By Ma r y b e t h Hu n t e r 88, 90, 92 Schools at a Glance 37 22 43 From the FSJ Archive: Defense and Security— Opposite Sides of the Same Coin A September 1988 Conversation with Frank Carlucci