The Foreign Service Journal, June 2021

EDUCATION AT A GLANCE Go to our webpage at Enrollment Gender Distribution M/F Percent Boarding Percent Int’l. Levels Offered AP/IB u TABS common application Accept ADD/LD uu Miles to Int’l. Airport International Students Orientation Holiday Break Coverage uuu Annual Tuition, Room& Board (US $) Page Number School 66 JUNE 2021 | THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL u Advanced Placement/International Baccalaureate uu Attention Deficit Disorder/Learning Disabilities uuu Dec. 25-Jan. 1 NA, Not applicable BC, Back Cover IBC, Inside Back Cover a Sibling discount b Financial aid available c Dollar value subject to exchange rate d Aid for federal employees e Gap year f Need-blind admissions; will meet full financial need g Host families n OVERSEAS ( CONTINUED ) Leysin American 69 300 50/50 100 85 7-12, PG AP/IB N Limited 75 Y N 99,000 abd School in Switzerland St. Stephen’s School 73 294 47/53 15 64 9-12, PG AP/IB N Y 12 Y N 44,380 b TASIS 67 620 50/50 27 41 Pre PK-12 AP/IB N Limited 8 Y N 68,000 bcd The American School in England n SPECIAL NEEDS The Gow School 72 140 80/20 93 10 6-12, PG NA N Y 30 N Limited 72,500 b The Lab School 65 375 59/41 NA 1 1-12 NA N Y 26 Y N 54,000 b of Washington n DISTANCE LEARNING ASU Prep Digital 71 4,000 50/50 NA 5 K-12 NA N NA NA Y Y 0-7,200 TTU-K-12 77 1,970 48/52 NA 54 K-12 AP N Limited NA N NA 3,000- (Texas Tech) 4,600 n HIGHER EDUCATION ASU Thunderbird IBC 388 53/47 13 45 NA NA NA NA 19 Y Y 70,000- School of Global 110,000 b Management n OTHER AAFSW 79 Associates of the American Foreign Service Worldwide: Publisher of Raising Kids in the Foreign Service . A volunteer organization that supports Foreign Service employees, spouses, partners and members of household. Visit; FLO 79 Family Liaison Office: Information and resources for Foreign Service families. Contact FSYF 78 Foreign Service Youth Foundation: A support network for U.S. Foreign Service youth worldwide. Go to .