The Foreign Service Journal, July-August 2021

THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | JULY-AUGUST 2021 5 FOREIGN SERVICE Feature July-August 2021 Volume 98, No. 6 47 State U—A Proposal for Professional Diplomatic Education and Outreach to America This timely project proposal offers a single solution to achieving several top-priority goals. By J o e l E h re n d re i c h 23 Diversity and Inclusion in the U.S. Foreign Service: A Primer Here is a historical look at gender, ethnic and racial diversity in the Foreign Service and the long and uneven battle for progress. By Ha r r y W. Ko p p 28 Achieving Parity for Women in the Foreign Service A better understanding of the barriers to women’s advancement— and good data—is needed to continue moving forward. By Ka t h r y n D re n n i n g 31 Asian Americans Can No Longer Be Silent, and Neither Should You Generations of citizenship and sacrifices for and contributions to America notwithstanding, Asian Americans face the need to prove their loyalty over and over. By K i m B i s s o n n e t t e 34 The Power of Vulnerability A Black former consular fellow, whose report of her ordeal at the hands of U.S. officials at the border with Mexico shook up the State Department, shares her thoughts today. By T i a n n a Sp e a r s 37 Three Myths That Sustain Structural Racism at State Countering bias and recognizing overt racism are important, but it’s time to go beyond this work and take a hard look at institutional racism in the department. By M i c h a e l Ho n i g s t e i n 40 Rooting Out Microaggressions What does exclusion look like? An FSO explores the concept of microaggressions—and suggests how shining a light on them can help foster a culture of inclusion. By Ch a r l e s Mo r r i l l 44 How the Transition Center Expands Inclusion Described as a “hidden gem” by this FSO, FSI’s Transition Center has a range of tools and services that are vital in helping build a more agile, inclusive Department of State. By Ma r y um Sa i f e e Focus: Perspectives on Diversity & Inclusion