The Foreign Service Journal, September 2003

A FSA is pleased to announce the sec- ond group of National Alumni ServiceAwardwinners, retirees rec- ognizedbyAFSA for their achievements in helpingbuildpublic support forAmerican diplomacy and the ForeignService. AFSA salutes these men and women who con- tinue to serve well past the time they offi- cially leave the Service. WINNERS ROBERTA “BOBBIE” M. S. BRUCE, AMB-- ASSADOR GALEN L. STONE , and PAUL B. MCCARTY , inrecognitionof their leadership roles in founding and sustaining the Foreign Affairs Retirees of New England organization. Following preliminary dis- cussionswith fellowNewEnglandForeign Service retirees duringForeignServiceDay in 1983, the three initiated efforts to bring the growing number of Foreign Service retirees inNewEngland into an organiza- tion. Later that year, FARNE was estab- lished. Stone was the first president, serv- ing from1983 to 1985. Bruce became the first secretary-treasurer, and later served as vice president from2000 to2001 andpres- ident from2001 to 2003. McCarty served as vice president from1999 to 2000 and as president in2000-2001. Together, the three have given the organization its direction. Members of the group meet regularly to share ForeignService experiences andhear foreign affairs speakers, and members are encouraged to takeactive roles intheir com- munities topromote understanding of the Foreign Service and international affairs. CHARLES A. GENDREAU , in recognition of his leadership role inorganizingForeign Service retirees in the Minnesota and Wisconsin area into an association. Beginning in the late 1980s, he arranged biannual luncheons duringwhich promi- nent local and national politicians, educa- tors, foreign andAmericandiplomats and members of the news media were invited to address members of the group and guests. These events have providedclose contact betweenopin- ion-makers and Foreign Service retirees. In1995, Gendreauoversaw the transformationof this group into AFSA Upper Midwest, an indepen- dent associationof former officials of U.S. foreignaffairs agencies. Theasso- ciation’s purpose is to support the integrity and effectiveness of those agencies in thewise formulationand implementation of the nation’s for- eignpolicy. Members, who are affil- iated individually with AFSA, are drawn fromseveral states in the area. The association, whichGendreauheadeduntil 2000, remains actively involved in pro- State Colin Powell presented former Secretary of State George Shultz with the 2003 Lifetime Achievement Award. James Warlick and Kim Marie Sonn accepted theChristianA.HerterAwardon behalf of all four officers from Embassy Moscow’s consular sectionwhowere rec- ognized for their courageous stance on a visa case. (June Kunsman and Natasha Franceschi were unable to attend.) TheW. AverellHarrimanAwardwas presentedby Katherine Fisk Carroll, great-grand- daughter of Averell Harriman. The win- ner, DeanKaplan, was needed on the visa line in Kathmandu, so a friend accepted the award on his behalf. AFSA Achievement Award winner Cecile Shea was the only other awardee unable to attend the ceremony. Joy Bacik, recipient of the M. Juanita Guess Award, flew in from Jakarta in order to be there. The recipient of theTexHarris Award, Charles O’Malley, recalledhis 14 years in theNavy when describing to the appreciative audi- ence his viewon dissent: “If the boat’s not rocking, it’s not going anywhere.” Other honorees were Laura Baer for theDelavan Award, BonnieMiller for the Avis Bohlen Award, andDickThompson for theAFSA Achievement Award. AfterMette Beecroft received a special achievement award for years of advocacy on behalf of Foreign Service families, only the lifetime achievement award remained. Naland found himself in the somewhat awkwardpositionof having to ask the sev- eral hundred people in attendance towait 10 minutes for the scheduled arrival of Secretary Powell, who was to present the award toGeorge Shultz. Naland explained that the presenters and awardees hadbeen too gracious inkeeping their remarks brief — they had followed his instructions too well. The pause turnedout to be extreme- ly brief as Secretary Powell arrived almost as soon as his absence was announced. “This is the Bush administration,” he said, “and we have learned to always try to be SEPTEMBER 2003 • AFSA NEWS 3 NATIONAL ALUMNI SERVICE AWARDS AFSA Honors More Retirees for Outstanding Service Former Retiree Liaison Ward Thompson presents the National Alumni Service Award to Roberta “Bobbie” Bruce at a May 30 FARNE meeting. Continued on page 8 Award Winners • Continued from page 1 Continued on page 10 Secretary Powell congratulates James Warlick and other AFSA award winners. JAY MALLIN