The Foreign Service Journal, September 2004

Cover I
Contents 3
Focus on Counterterrorism 23
The Brave New World of Visa Processing 23
Are We Losing the War on Terrorism? 30
Fighting Terrorism in East Africa and the Horn 36
The Anatomy of Terrorism 43
Kamikazes: Precursors of 9/11? 51
Humanitarian Mercenaries 58
Remembering 9/11 in Manhattan 63
Features 68
Appreciation: Hume Alexander Horan, 1934-2004 68
African-American Consuls Abroad, 1897-1909 72
Promoting Democracy 77
Telling Our Story: The National Museum of American Diplomacy 82
Columns 5
President's Views: Get Smart 5
Speaking Out: A Cry for Justice 17
Reflections: I Just Shake My Head Sometimes 96
Departments 7
Letters 7
Cybernotes 14
Books 87
Index to Advertisers 94
AFSA News 97