The Foreign Service Journal, September 2011

S E P T EMB E R 2 0 1 1 / F OR E I GN S E R V I C E J OU R N A L 57 A t the invitationof theDeanofMichi- gan State University’s Department of International Studies, AFSA Communications Director Tom Switzer visited the East Lansing, Mich., campus fromJune 13 to June 15. Switzermet with Jeff Reidinger, dean of international stud- ies, and Prof. Charles Gliozzo, director of international programs, todiscuss increased collaboration betweenAFSA and the uni- versity. MSU is planning to enhance its inter- national programs and exchanges, and is specifically interested inworkingwithAFSA to recruit more retired Senior FSOs to speak. Switzer highlighted AFSA’s exten- sive national speaker program, which involves more than 500 retired FSOs, and offered these resources to MSU. Switzer also met with the Department of International Studies programplanning committee to discuss several areas of pos- sible collaboration, and suggested a num- ber of expert FSOspeakerswhomight par- ticipate in MSU programs over the next year. On June 14, Switzer spoke before a regional faculty association on the many attractive Foreign Service career opportu- nities offeredby the StateDepartment and theU.S. Agency for InternationalDevelop- ment. He also provided anecdotes illus- trating what FSOs actually do inmissions around the globe. The audience reaction was enthusias- tic, with many attendees asking for more information on the Foreign Service. Switzer presented copies of AFSA’s book, Inside aU.S. Embassy , to the dean of inter- national studies and several faculty mem- bers. The visit served to further AFSA’s goal of expanding its outreach and increasing partnerships with universities nation- wide. AFSA-FPA Events Spread Awareness of FS Work BY DANIELLE DERBES, BOOK MARKETING ASSOCIATE F or the spring 2011 academic semes- ter, AFSA teamed up with the ForeignPolicyAssociationUniversity toco-sponsor seminars oncareers in inter- national affairs. The nonprofit Foreign Policy Association began the FPA University program in spring 2010with a seminar on the Foreign Service career. In fall 2011, FPAexpanded theofferings, hold- ingmore than20 international careers sem- inars in New York City. For the spring semester, FPAheld seminars on careers in international development, the United Nations and the ForeignService. All three Washington, D.C., events were held at AFSA. ShawnDorman, editor of Inside aU.S. Embassy , served as instructor for both the Washington and New York seminars on the Foreign Service, dividing the presen- tation into a discussion of the Foreign Service career and the hiring process. Approximately 60 students and profes- sionals attended each of the FS seminars. Guests from the State Department and USAIDwere onhand to answer questions from the audience about their careers. Diplomat-in-Residence Ambassador Eunice Reddick attended the Foreign Service seminar inWashington, alongwith State FSOs Steve andKellyAdams-Smith, while USUN Political Counselor Jim Donegan, Diplomat-in-Residence Tom Armbruster andFCSOfficer SteveKnode attended the New York session. For the development seminar in Washington, BrianLevey and JonDorsey tookquestions about their careers at USAID. The atten- A F S A N E W S TRANSITION CENTER SCHEDULE OF COURSES for September, October, November 2011 Sept. 9 MQ803 Realities of Foreign Service Life Sept. 10 MQ802 Communication Across Cultures Sept. 16 MQ703 Post Options for Employment/Training Sept. 17 MQ116 Protocol Sept. 27 MQ115 Explaining America Sept. 29-30 MQ104 Regulations, Allowances & Finances Oct. 13 MQ704 Targeting the Job Market Oct. 15 MQ116 Protocol & U.S. Representation Abroad Oct. 19 MQ500 Encouraging Resilience in FS Children Oct. 26 MQ203 Singles in the Foreign Service Nov. 2-3 MQ107 English Teaching Seminar Nov. 5 MQ116 Protocol & U.S. Representation Abroad Nov. 15 MQ115 Explaining America Nov. 30 MQ801 Maintaining Long-Distance Relationships To register or for further information, please e-mail the FSI Transition Center at FSITCTraining@ AFSA to Collaborate with MSU BY TOM SWITZER, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS (left to right) Jeff Reidinger, Tom Switzer, Prof Charles Gliozzo. DONNA AYERST One participant commented later that: “Hearing from FSOs is fantastic — something you don’t get on the various Web sites.” Continued on page 58