Foreign Service Day, a day designated by Congress to honor active-duty and retired members of the Foreign Service, falls this year on Friday, May 5. Each year, AFSA commemorates Foreign Service Day with a series of activities. We invite all AFSA members, active-duty and retired, to join us.
11:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. EDT: AFSA Open House. AFSA members please stop by AFSA HQ (2101 E Street NW) during our open house! In addition to our traditional offerings of free professional head shots, food trucks, and AFSA swag, we will have AFSA staff at the ready to respond to questions concerning AFSA priorities, retirement issues, or anything on your mind. AFSPA (the American Foreign Service Protective Association) will also be on hand to answer questions. No reservations needed.
5:30 – 7:30 p.m. EDT: AFSA and DACOR Co-Hosted Foreign Service Day Reception. Please join AFSA and DACOR on the beautiful DACOR house patio (weather permitting) for delicious food, drink, live music, and the chance to meet and mingle with friends and colleagues. Tickets are $35 and may be purchased online or by contacting or (202) 682-0500.