Donate to AFSA

Legal Defense Fund (LDF)

AFSA's Legal Defense Fund was created in 2007 to provide financial assistance to members, whether individual or as part of a group, in cases involving issues of significant institutional importance to the Foreign Service. It was named after the late Richard Scissors, a longtime AFSA staff member whose expertise in labor-management issues was crucial to many an AFSA member during his tenure. Sometimes cases come along where AFSA is unable to provide the time or legal expertise that is required. It is in such instances that the LDF can provide financial support which assists the member in retaining an outside attorney with expertise in a particular area of law. Your contribution can help. Donations to the LDF are not tax deductible. Information on the LDF can be found here.

If you are not member of AFSA, you will need to register to make a donation, per U.S. government ethics rules. Registration is quick and easy. AFSA does not ever share or sell donor information to outside parties. Please also confirm that your are a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident and provide the name of your current employer.

If you do not wish to register on the AFSA website to make a donation, we welcome a donation by check made out to "AFSA Legal Defense Fund." Please send that check to:

American Foreign Service Association
c/o Legal Defense Fund
2101 E St NW
Washington, DC 20037

Please include confirmation that you are a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident, and the name of your current employer.


Fund for American Diplomacy (FAD)

The Fund for American Diplomacy is AFSA's 501(c)(3) charitable organization that supports AFSA’s outreach goals. We appreciate your willingness to contribute. Rest assured that your contribution will be put to good use. Donations to the FAD are fully tax deductible.


The F. Allen “Tex” Harris Award
for Constructive Dissent by a Foreign Service Specialist

This award honors a FS specialist who has stood up for their beliefs and dissented within the system to the benefit of their colleagues and the Service as a whole.


Note that by law, AFSA is required to report all donations of $5,000 and above as part of its annual LM-2 filing to the Department of Labor.