
Welcome to AFSA! Founded in 1924, the American Foreign Service Association is the professional association and labor union for America's diplomats as they serve their country all over the world. Click here to join AFSA!

Benefits of Membership

AFSA offers many benefits to its members (note that benefits differ by membership category). Among these are individual labor-management counseling, individual retiree counseling, a subscription to The Foreign Service Journal, scholarships and merit awards for children of members, a daily media digest, grievance representation and legal services, awards and other honors, various discounts (including a number of magazines and periodicals), numerous events in Washington and elsewhere, and updates on key issues that impact FS employees, federal and retiree benefits. Click here to read more about the benefits of AFSA membership.

We encourage you to log in to our secure website for most member services – renewing a membership, joining AFSA, making a donation, changing your address, updating your information, etc. To log in to the online section of the AFSA website, visit or click on the login icon in the upper right hand corner of the AFSA website. Simply click on the pencil icon on the “My Profile” page to edit your information. IMPORTANT: AFSA members do not need to create a new account or register, only log in on the right side of the webpage. All members have existing accounts and can log in immediately. To log in for the first time, use your primary email address as your username. Use your last name in all lowercase letters as your password. You will be directed to update your password after you log in. We hope you enjoy this new member benefit. If you have any questions or would prefer to opt out please email us at

Your Elected Representatives

If you are an active-duty or retired member of AFSA, you have elected representatives on our Governing Board who are charged with ensuring that your interests are served as AFSA pursues its priority issues. Our President, Secretary and Treasurer are elected by the entire membership and represent all members. In addition, each constituency (State, USAID, FCS, FAS, USAGM, APHIS and retirees) has designated representatives on the board. We encourage all members to stay in close touch with their representatives to make sure your voice is heard. Click here to get to know more about the AFSA Governing Board and your individual representatives.

How to Renew Your Membership Online

Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to renew your AFSA membership online.

Contact Us!

AFSA’s membership department stands ready to help you with any question or concern you may have. Please feel free to get in touch with us at any time, and we will do our very best to assist you:

  • Perri Green, Coordinator, Member Recruitment and Benefits (202) 250-3193
  • Mouna Koubaa, Membership Operations Coordinator
  • Christine Miele, Director, Programs and Member Engagement, (202) 944-5517