Webinar: Retirement Planning - 5 Years Out

Start Date/Time: 
Thursday, February 22, 2024 - 12:00
End Date/Time: 
Thursday, February 22, 2024 - 13:00

AFSA is pleased to present “Retirement Planning: 5 Years Out,” the first webinar of 2024 in our Federal Benefits Series, on Thursday, February 22 at 12:00 p.m. EDT. AFSA’s Vice President for Retirees John Naland, a former director of State’s Office of Retirement, will walk you through thirteen critical steps you should take to ensure a smooth retirement during your last five years of service. He also will address savvy financial moves to make during your final year of service.

You will receive an email reminder shortly before the event that will include a link to an AFSA checklist entitled Retirement Planning: Five Years Out, which will be useful for you to follow during the presentation. For those who would like a preview, the checklist is also available here.

Note that AFSA records and posts presentations about one week after the event, so if you are unable to participate live, you will have access to the presentation later.

Please join us by clicking here to register – it will be an hour well spent. We look forward to seeing you virtually.