In Memory/Obituaries

The FSJ’s In Memory department, which is reserved for members of the Foreign Service and their immediate families, is published on alternate months. The obituaries average between 300 and 500 words in length, but that is a guideline and not a limit. We do not use photographs. You may write the obituary yourself, or send us the information and we will draft it.

Please be sure to include date, place and cause of death; details of the individual’s Foreign Service career (when entered, postings, when retired); and survivors and where they live. In addition, our readers are very interested in what their colleagues have done in retirement. You may also want to include birthplace, education and any other highlights of the individual's life.

Obituaries or inquiries concerning obituaries may be sent by email to, or by snail mail to: The Foreign Service Journal, 2101 E Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20037.

July-August 2024

  • Robert Louis Barry
  • Peggy Blackford
  • Kenneth W. Bleakley
  • George Garrett Byers Griffin
  • Paul B. McCarty
  • Maria Ifill Philip
  • Christopher Wittmann

May 2024

  • Lindsey Grant
  • Lars Holman Hydle
  • John C. Kornblum
  • Ernest “Ernie” Clarence Kuhn
  • David Henry Mandel
  • Alexander “Alex” Durham Newton
  • Omero Sabatini
  • Mary Elizabeth “Betty” Swope
  • Cornelius Calnan “Neal” Walsh
  • Sarah Evelyn Wright

March 2024

  • Edward Alexander
  • Maryfaith Blanchard (née Gastel)
  • Stephen W. Buck
  • David “Dave” William Carr
  • Elizabeth Petersen Spiro Clark
  • Susan Woolley Hopper
  • Kit Allison Junge
  • Kurt Keith Kunze
  • André J. Navez
  • André Peter de Nesnera
  • Peter Tarnoff
  • Lecile Webster
  • William J. Weinhold

January-February 2024

  • Caryle Cammisa
  • Evelyn Speyer Colbert
  • Robert (Bob) Tallon Dakan
  • Wilma Louise Ditter
  • Wade Hampton Bynum Matthews
  • Alan Parker
  • Donald Barnard Simmons Jr.