Commerce Collective Bargaining Agreement And All Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs)


The following is a database "library" or repository of the basic agreement between AFSA Commerce and the Department of Commerce and all subsequent Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) which modified or added to the basic framework agreement. The table of contents below lists all items by subject and date.

It was put together in October-December 2005 by then-VP Donald Businger, who assumes responsibility for any errors or omissions and appreciates any feedback from members.

N.B. In some cases (often marked or obvious) materials other than the MOUs themselves have been included because of valuable context, e.g., emails from the Deputy DG or others. It should also be noted that almost all recent MOUs have been posted by OFSHR on the CS Intranet (OurPlace) under FS Human Resources, either under Collective Bargaining or under Policies.


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