Fund for American Diplomacy

We want to encourage members to keep AFSA’s Fund for American Diplomacy in mind as they consider their charitable contributions.

The Fund for American Diplomacy, one of AFSA’s two 501(c)(3) arms, supports outreach to tell the proud story of the Foreign Service to the American people. The FAD’s aim is to build a domestic constituency for the Foreign Service so that we have supporters, ideally in all 50 states, prepared to stand up for the Foreign Service and defend our vitally important mission. You may make a donation by clicking here.

The Fund is also registered in the Combined Federal Campaign as “Diplomacy Matters-AFSA” and its CFC number is #10646. We appreciate your support. All donations to the FAD are tax-deductible.

Detailed information on the programs run under the Fund for American Diplomacy:

Speakers Bureau – Retired diplomats speak at universities, community groups, and other forums on international affairs issues incorporating their personal experience during these discussions. Groups contact AFSA to request a speaker, and AFSA then locates the closest individual that matches the group’s request.

Strategic and Outreach Partnerships - AFSA maintains close ties with like-minded national organizations whose networks can be utilized for amplifying our message and reaching those living outside the Beltway bubble.

AFSA Outreach Events – AFSA maintains a robust program of events aimed at promoting diplomacy and educating students and the public about the Foreign Service. These include speaker series, book talks, and panels featuring experts on various diplomatic topics.

Road Scholar Program – Five-day academic programs for senior citizens to further understand U.S. diplomacy and the Foreign Service. These programs are sponsored by the national Road Scholar organization ( where AFSA is responsible for organizing the Foreign Service program offerings nationwide. Road Scholar handles all registration of attendees, but AFSA provides all the curriculum and speakers.

Essay Contest – High school students nationwide compete in this contest, where prizes include an all-expense paid education voyage with Semester at Sea, a trip to Washington, D.C. and a meeting with the Secretary of State. Students submit essays of 1,000-1,250 words explaining how the Foreign Service plays a role in resolving a global issue of their choosing. Home schooled students can also apply.

Awards Program - As a professional association and labor union, AFSA seeks to highlight achievement, performance, courage and sacrifice within the Foreign Service community. Our awards program began in 1968 and has continued to expand to recognize the work of our colleagues. We are proud to be able to spotlight the best of our community for constructive dissent and exemplary performance, language ability, writing, and lifetime contributions.

Inside a U.S. Embassy – Our bestselling book that shows how the U.S. Foreign Service works for America through a unique look at a-day-in-the-life of Foreign Service employees at an U.S. Embassy and in Washington, D.C.

We ask you again to please consider supporting the Fund for American Diplomacy. It has no income other than donations from people like you, who believe in the importance of the Fund's mission.

For more information, contact Ásgeir Sigfússon, AFSA's Executive Director, at (202) 944-5508 or