AFSA Post Reps may be selected in a variety of ways:
- The current Post Rep calls a meeting to elect a replacement.
- AFSA Washington can work with you to develop a current membership list, but anyone with a current membership card (even if not on the member list) should be allowed to vote. Send an email request to
- Conditions and situations vary. Nominations and elections can be held at the same meeting. Nominations might be received by letter, memo, phone, or email, the results posted for inspection, and the election held at a meeting. Or nominations and debate might take place at one meeting, with the election at a later date. If the election is hotly contested, the balloting might be secret, but usually a show of hands is acceptable.
- At posts where there are few active AFSA members, the outgoing Rep may simply ask another member to take his/her place. If there is no current AFSA Rep, the Management Officer may arrange to conduct the election.
- At very large or widely dispersed posts, the members may need more than one Rep. They may select someone from each agency (State, USAID, FAS, FCS, APHIS, USAGM) to act just for that agency. In such a case there are, in effect, separate elections for each agency, and members vote only in the election for their agency.
- To serve as an AFSA post rep, applicants must satisfy four eligibility requirements. They must be an AFSA member in good-standing and a member of the bargaining unit; cannot be a confidential employee or management official; and cannot be engaged in personnel work (other than in a clerical capacity). Ideally, the post rep will be a tenured employee, but exceptions can be considered.
- Post reps must contact AFSA Washington at to have their election certified by their employing agency and complete the Post Rep Volunteer Form (click on the button below) for AFSA Governing Board approval.

Note: Please refer to the Chapter Manual for guidance once you have been selected.