These stories provide first-hand accounts of the Foreign Service on the front lines.
- Helping to Manage Foreign Terrorist Fighter Problem in Kosovo by Greg Delawie
US Embassy in Kosovo engaged experts to deal with an issue that could have become a real threat to the US: prison inmates being radicalized by foreign terrorist fighters. Story illustrates will how the work abroad helps deter problems that can become threats to Americans back home.
- Preventing Ebola’s Spread by James Bever
Account of the role of Foreign Service members in Ghana, helping to stave off the epidemic before it became a threat to the U.S.
- The Safe Return of the Hungarian Crown by Beatrice Camp
This story underscores that diplomacy is a long game and is all about relationships and building trust. Agreeing to safeguard a sacred Hungarian relic 30 years earlier laid the groundwork to having the country join NATO and become an American security ally.
- Iranian Seizure of an American Vessel, 1986 by Michael Varga
Foreign Service are the eyes and ears of our government. This story relays how interpreting and relaying correctly an incident between American and Iranian navies avoided escalating tensions and a U.S. military response.