AFSA Committees

AFSA relies on a number of active duty and retired members to participate in the work of the various committees that allow some of the organization's inner workings to proceed in a smooth and orderly fashion. We are grateful to these individuals for their willingness to donate their time and expertise.

Awards and Plaques Committee

Oversees the AFSA memorial plaques and recommends names to be added to them. In cooperation with the AFSA governing board, members also recommend the winners of AFSA's awards for constructive dissent, exemplary performance, Lifetime Contributions to American Diplomacy, and the Sinclaire Language Awards.


  • Hui Jun Tina Wong (chair)
  • Kimberly Harrington, John Naland, Zeke Spears, C. Logan Wheeler, Tom Yazdgerdi (ex officio)

Executive Committee

Works with the AFSA governing board to oversee the organization's budget process and the annual audit and prepare discussion and decision items for a vote.


  • Tom Yazdgerdi, Hon. John O'Keefe, Sue Saarnio, Hui Jun Tina Wong, Randy Chester, John K. Naland, Joshua Burke, Evan Mangino.

Scholarship Committee

Oversees the selection and awarding of AFSA's financial aid and merits scholarships; also has stewardship over the AFSA Scholarship Fund.


  • John Naland (chair)
  • Lynette Behnke, Steve Herman, John O'Keefe, Tom Yazdgerdi (ex officio)

The Foreign Service Journal Editorial Board

Works with the Journal staff and AFSA governing board to draw up the Journal's editorial calendar and selects works for publication from among those submitted for each issue.


  • Vivian Walker (chair)
  • Other members: David Bargueño, Hon. Robert M. Beecroft, Lynette Behnke (Board liaison), Gaïna Dávila, Steven Hendrix, Harry W. Kopp, Aileen Nandi, Dan Spokojny, Hon. Laurence Wohlers, Tom Yazdgerdi (ex officio)

Membership Committee

Ensures that associate membership applications are processed according to bylaws and internal procedures.


  • Randy Chester (chair), Joe Ragole, Zeke Spears, Tom Yazdgerdi (ex officio)

Committee on Elections

Oversees the biannual AFSA election process and works with AFSA staff to ensure the integrity of the election and its results.


  • Dao M. Le (FCS, chair)
  • Other members: Morton Dworken (retiree), Marcia Friedman (State), Erin Nicholson (USAID), Sharon Papp (AFSA staff), Asgeir Sigfusson (AFSA staff)

Legal Defense Fund Committee

Reviews requests for LDF funds and makes recommendations to the Governing Board; sets LDF policies and monitors the LDF endowment.


  • Jay Carreiro (chair)
  • Other members: Joshua Burke, Whitney Wiedeman, C. Logan Wheeler, Tom Yazdgerdi (ex officio)

Centennial Committee (ad-hoc)

Oversees plans and activities related to the 2024 centennial of AFSA and the Foreign Service.


  • John Naland (chair)
  • Other members: Randy Chester, Steve Herman, Tina Wong, Tom Yazdgerdi (ex officio)

DEIA Committee (ad-hoc)

Provides a forum for discussion and advice to the Governing Board related to diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility issues.


  • Kimberly Harrington (chair)
  • Other members: Joshua Burke, Sue Saarnio, Christopher Saenger, C. Logan Wheeler, Tina Wong, Tom Yazdgerdi (ex officio)

AFSA-PAC Advisory Committee