May 2022
, a "fountain" where a strong Baha'i /strong was said to have been struck blind when he failed to bless the Shia
June 1982
numerous street demonstrations in which the Bahais, minority sect, had been roundly denounced.
December 2017
benefited the department, its mission and our citizens. Committed Muslims, strong Baha'is /strong , Jews, Buddhists, Hindus
December 1998
ACADEMY Maxwell International Bahai School Best of Both Worlds: Academic Excellence & Moral
May 2022
was saqqa-khaneh, fountain where Bahai was said to have been struck blind when he failed
November 1925
accomplished through missionaries at Bahai, Brazil. Two means of securing plant introductions
December 1937
INTERESTS OF IRAN (Continued from pn/ir 7101 the Fatainid dynasty of Egypt, the Sufis, the Bahais and
January 2001
frequent con tributor to the Journal. Bahais with provisions for tough, automatic sanctions against
March 1988
Bahais, Zoroas- trians, Assy'rians, Jews, and Christians had lived, worked, and feuded with their
November 2001
Bahai faiths. One notable expression of sympathy was the candlelight vigil outside our gate by the